Discussing :: Win with Nerf

NERF MULTISHOT MADNESS Blast 2 shots at once! Nerf Vortex Diatron Are you ready to bring some multishot madness to your next mission? The DIATRON blaster lets you send 2 discs hurtling toward your target at the same time with every shot! Firing this fast is no problem, because the blaster’s built-in drop-down magazine snaps open for fast, easy reloading.  The blaster’s revolutionary XLR Disc Tech hurls the bright orange VORTEX discs an ultra-long distance. Blast your target with double firepower to outfire your opponent! Ages 8 and up | RRP:  $44.99 Nerf Elite Rough Cut Slam into battle with the double-barreled domination of the... read full article


Nice prize - would be lots of fun to ran about hte house with this and nerf the BF :)


Awesome my kids and me ha would love this prize.


These would be awesome safe fun for around home lol


Awesum!! My friends have big get togethers with thier Nerf guns but I havn't been able to join in since I dont have one, tend to take photos of them all for them instead. Would be fantastic to win these, thankyou very much!!




Yes! me and my boy gonna prove to the ladies we can Have fun with our toys! We can shoot all day long without getting BORED! Be AWESOME! NO NAGGING!


my two boys would love this


yeah be fun to be away from the ladies! I be with my boy we will have fun in bush shooting all day long! without NAGGING! Nerf be AWESOME idea and it safe too!


We brought two for our sons at Christmas but hubby keeps using one so really need another one so both boys and their dad can run madly around the house.these are great guns to play with.


Would love to win so me and my 3 year old can have battle wars together!


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