Discussing :: Win with Nerf

NERF MULTISHOT MADNESS Blast 2 shots at once! Nerf Vortex Diatron Are you ready to bring some multishot madness to your next mission? The DIATRON blaster lets you send 2 discs hurtling toward your target at the same time with every shot! Firing this fast is no problem, because the blaster’s built-in drop-down magazine snaps open for fast, easy reloading.  The blaster’s revolutionary XLR Disc Tech hurls the bright orange VORTEX discs an ultra-long distance. Blast your target with double firepower to outfire your opponent! Ages 8 and up | RRP:  $44.99 Nerf Elite Rough Cut Slam into battle with the double-barreled domination of the... read full article


Win with Nerf

This is my kind of thing . The kids love these. i have 2x the barrell guns 2x small 1 shooters and the shotgun one.these guns are awesome but i havent tried the one that shoots discs .to be honest i havent even seen one that shoots discs ntil now.


my nephew would love this, and it's his fifth birthday is soon, he'd be so happy.


Great for my nephew & nieces to let off a bit of steam when they visit, but maybe in the warmer months.


We love Nerf guns, the whole family have glow in the dark Nerfs. Great fun for all! We used the Nerf rough cut in Zombie Alley at Armageddon yesterday and it served us well. Would live to add one to our collection :)


We love Nerf guns, the whole family have glow in the dark Nerfs. Great fun for all! We used the Nerf rough cut in Zombie Alley at Armageddon yesterday and it served us well. Would live to add one to our collection :)


Absolutely awesome prize. Bring it on!


I wonder if these have the range to hit people from across the street..keen


Sounds like fun!


wow these things sure have changed since I was a kid! Looks awesome!


Nerf guns are awesome! Not just for the kids


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